February 2009 Astronomy

February 2009 Astronomical Events significant for Astrological Predictions are listed here. This column will appear every month for our readers with interest in astronomy.

All times Universal Time (UT). USA Eastern Standard Time = UT – 5 hours, Indian Standard Time= UT+ 5:30 hours

2nd Feb.    First Quarter Moon at 23:13 UT.

4th Feb.   Moon near the Pleiades at 2h UT (evening sky). Occultation of the Pleiades

7th Feb.  Moon at perigee (closest to Earth) at 20h UT

8th Feb. Moon near Beehive cluster (M44) at 17h UT.

9th Feb. Full Moon at 14:49 UT.  Full Moon Names Magh Purnima

9th Feb.  Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon from 12:37 to 16:40 UT, mid-eclipse at 14:38 UT. Northern side of the Moon will appear dimmer. Visible from NW North America, Pacific, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of February 09 (NASA)  Path of the Moon through the penumbra (NASA)

10th Feb.  Moon near Regulus at 5h UT (midnight sky).

11th Feb.  Moon near Saturn at 15h UT (morning sky).

16th Feb. Comet Lulin 3° from Spica at 5h UT. Mag +6.
16th Feb. Last Quarter Moon at 21:37 UT.

17th Feb. Mars 0.56° from Jupiter at 17h UT

17th Feb. Moon very near Antares at 21h UT  Occultation of Antares

19th Feb. Moon at apogee (farthest from Earth) at 17h UT

20th Feb. Venus brightest at 23h UT (evening sky)

22nd Feb. Moon near Mercury at 22h UT (25° from Sun, morning sky). Mag -0.1.

23rd Feb. Moon very near Jupiter at 0h UT  Occultation of Jupiter

23rd Feb. Moon near Mars at 6h UT

24th Feb. Comet Lulin 2° from Saturn at 2h UT.

24th Feb.  Mercury 0.62° from Jupiter at 4h UT

24th Feb.  Mercury, Mars & Jupiter within 3.7° diameter circle at 6h UT

25th Feb. New Moon at 1:35 UT.

28th Feb. Moon very near Venus at 0h UT

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