Sade Sati of Shani (Saturn) in Vedic Astrology

Sade Sati of Shani (Saturn 71/2 year cycle) is the seven and half years of transit of Saturn or Shani over a person’s natal moon ( Janma Rasi) in Vedic astrology. The period of Sade Sati starts when Saturn arrives in the sign that is in the 12th house from the natal moon (that is, just previous to the Janma Rasi) and ends when Saturn exits from the sign that is 2nd house from the moon sign. Remember when saturn changes Sidereal Zodiac sign to Saggitarius (Dhanu) on 26th January 2017, You may enter or come out of Shani sade Sati. To find if you are running Shani sade Sati, click here to look at your Vedic Chart 2017 Daily Horoscope Astrology
Since Saturn takes approximately two and half years to transit a sign, the transit through three signs takes about 7.5 years and is referred to as Sade Sati in Indian Astrology. This phase of 7.5 years repeats approximately every 30 years and thus, is experienced a maximum of about three times in a lifetime. Currently, those with Scorpio, Libra and Sagittarius Janma Rasi are experiencing the Shani Sade Sati. When saturn enters Sagittarius (Dhanu) on January 26th 2017, Libra Janma rashi born will be out of Sade Sati and Capricorn (Makara) born will begin Sade Sati Phase.Your personal predictions based on your birthdata are available daily (both by Vedic and Western Astrology) at 2017 Daily Horoscope Astrology
A negative image of fear and pain is often incorrectly associated with Shani Sade Sati by many of the unfaithful practitioners of Vedic Astrology. While it is true that this period is unsettling in human life, the spiritual uplift associated with this period can hardly be overemphasized. This is a period of tremendous learning and advancement.
Saturn is the guru who teaches us the realities of our earthly existence. Obstacles, delays, failures, frustrations, displacement, loneliness teach us to look beneath the glamor, reputation, achievement, wealth and social connections. Saturn walks us through these educating experiences and leads us to where we belong and what we deserve according to our action or Karma. The period of Sade Sati (also spelt sometimes as Sade Shati) is an educating experience advancing us to the next higher level of consciousness.
It is important for us to be aware of these periods like Shani Sade Sati in our lives from our individual horoscopes. This is one of the unique contributions of Vedic or Indian astrology and helps us taking right decisions being aware of our environment and conditions. Remember when Saturn changes Sidereal Zodiac sign to Saggitarius (Dhanu) on 26th January 2017, You may enter or come out of Shani sade Sati. To find if you are running Shani sade Sati, click here to look at your Personal Vedic Chart 2017 Saturn (Shani) Transit