Solar Eclipse January 2010 Cancer Horoscope Astrology
Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac, ruled by Moon. Lunar eclipse occurs on Full Moon and Solar Eclipse occurs on New Moon. For individual horoscope, the four important sensitive points are Ascendant , Moon, Ascendant lord and Sun. (If you want to find these sensitive points in your birth chart and your free Vedic horoscope, please visit our member site ) In Vedic astrology, last pada (one of the four) of Punarvasu, Pushya and Ashlesha nakshatras are covered by this Zodiac sign. In Sidereal Astrology (that is in Vedic or Indian Astrology), Sun is in this sign from roughly July 16th to August 15th, while according to Western astrology corresponding to Tropical zodiac, sun covers this sign from June 22 to July 22. To learn more visit Cancer Astrology and Cancer Compatibility .Here our analysis is by Vedic Astrology. Here We analyze the effect of January Annular Solar Eclipse on Cancer Ascendant, Cancer Moon Sign and Cancer Sun Sign individuals.
Annual Solar Eclipse (Surya Grahan ) falls on 15th January 2010 on Mauni Amavasya, one day after Makar Sankranti , the day sidereal sun enters Capricorn. The planetary positions at the time of this Annual Solar Eclipse are shown in the table with nakshatra, nakshatra pada, rasi and navamsa. It is the longest annular eclipse to occur this century with a duration of 11 mins 08 seconds.The eclipse point is at one degree Capricorn. The eclipse will begin at 05:14 Universal Time (UT) and end at 08:59 UT.
The annular eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a 300-km-wide track that traverses half of Earth. The path of the Moon’s shadow begins in Africa and passes through Chad, Central African Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, and Somalia. After leaving Africa, the path crosses the Indian Ocean where the maximum duration of annularity reaches 11 min 08 s. The central path then continues into Asia through Bangladesh, India, Burma (Myanmar), and China. A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon’s penumbral shadow, which includes eastern Europe, most of Africa, Asia, and Indonesia. It will be seen as annular within a narrow stretch of 300 km width across Central Africa, Maldives, South Kerala, South Tamil Nadu, North Sri Lanka,Burma
and China.
Eclipse has significant effect when eclipse point is in the rasi or nakshatra of natal planets or near sensitive points in the horoscope. An Eclipse in the same rashi as another planet will affect the fortune of the person indicated by that planet whereas in the same nakshatra will affect the health of the individual indicated by that planet. The effects of an eclipse can be experienced around the time before or after the eclipse. If the luminary is placed before ascendant lord/sun/lord of the house, then the effects arise prior to the eclipse date.
The 5 Eclipse Astrological Influence Essentials are
1. Eclipse points are”energy junctions
2. The eclipse lunar node type, Rasi and Nakshatra are significant astrological influence factors.
3. The eclipse influences the matters related to the eclipse point house from the ascendant.
4. The planets in conjunction with or aspecting the eclipse point are eclipse significators .
5. Eclipse point degrees and Individual horoscope planetary longitudes, Rasi and Navamsa Charts should be analyzed together.
The new moon will be in Uttarashadha nakshatra ruled by Sun in zodiac sign Capricorn ruled by Saturn. The eclipse point is with Rahu.
Annual Solar Eclipse Forecast for Cancer Ascendant, Cancer Moon Sign and Cancer Sun Sign
The Solar Eclipse is on seventh-first house axis, signifying beginning of major changes involving spouse and partner relationship etc. There will be major activity related to these issues within next sixth months depending on when the major significators in your horoscope transit these eclipse points and the mahadasha phase that you are running during this time according to your personal horoscope.
We emphasize, that every individual is unique and his destiny can only be judged accurately from his Vedic horoscope based on his unique birth date, time and place of birth. Any analysis (based on Ascendant sign, Moon sign or Sun sign) can at best give only a broad outline. We have now many free astrological tools and horoscopes at which help analyze individual horoscope on a daily basis and on the eclipse day.
These free tools are:
- Daily Sun Sign horoscope,
- Daily Moon Sign Horoscope,
- Your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Nakshatra
- Your Vedic Horoscope,
- Daily Personal transits based on your birth chart,
- Vedic time cycle dasa mahadasa,
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It is a set of astrological tools that we believe you will love and learn to use more and more to feel the power of predictive astrology. Please login at our member site to access these facilities.
For predictions for other zodiac signs ,click here Lunar Eclipse January Horoscope Astrology)