Total Solar Eclipse and Pakistan 2010 Astrology
Total solar eclipse on 11th of July 2010 may have a significant impact on Pakistan future. The total solar eclipse will begin 18:15:15 GMT (UT) and will end at 20:51:42 GMT (UT) . The eclipse point is 25 degrees Gemini as shown in the table here. The eclipse point is aspected by Saturn from Virgo.
The eclipse point is in conjunction with natal moon position in the chart of independence of Pakistan. Those familiar with our earlier blogs on eclipse influence essentials and numerous eclipse articles can immediately realize the implications. Pakistan is experiencing unprecedented violence and political instability. Political leaders Zardari, Gilani, Sharif or military leaders Kayani are unable to respond to the gravity of the situation (Moon and Mars association in the chart). We can only pray for the best for happenings in Pakistan as a state power in coming months.