Property Theft and Robbery

Property Theft and Robbery is experienced by some individuals during their lives. Suchproperty loss (including identity theft)comes often unexpected for individuals. For businesses , it can also take the form of retail theft oremployee theft . While theft insurance may be an option, we advise using Vedic Astrology to estimate individual theft susceptibility.

Property is signified necessarily by Wealth house (Dhana Bhava, the 2nd house) and Gain House (Labha Bhava, the 11th house) and their lords. The loss of property is due to the aspect of malefic planets on these houses. Theft comes under Enemy House (Ripu Bhava, the 6th house). Here are some of the planetary combinations for Theft:

  1. When the lord of Dhana Bhava (the 2nd house) is deposited in Ripu Bhava (the 6th house) and the lord is aspec ted by malefic Saturn or Mars jointly or singly ;
  2. When the lord of Labha Bhava (the 11th house) is deposited in Ripu Bhava (the 6th) and the lord is aspected by malefic Saturn or Mars jointly or singly ;
  3. When both the lords of Dhana Bhava and Labha Bhava are deposited in Ripu Bhava and their lords are aspected by malefic Saturn or Mars singly or jointly (the loss sustained is much more in the third case than in the first and second) ;
  4. The lords of 2nd and 11th house may be depo sited in any house but when aspected by malefic Saturn or Mars from 6th house.

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