Sinhalese New Year
Sinhalese New Year is celebrated in the month of Bak when sidereal sun enters from Pisces (Meena Rashiya) to Aries (Mesha Rashiya) . In 2010, it happens at Wednesday 14th April 2010 at 6:58 AM Sri Lanka Time. Sri Lankans begin celebrating their National New Year “Aluth Avurudhu” in Sinhala and Puththandu in Tamil. Puniyakala is the time which starts 6hrs 24 minutes before the dawn of New year and ends 6 hours 24 minutes after the dawn of New year. So the puniya kala for Sri Lanka starts on 13 th April at 12:34 mid night and ends at 14 th April at 1:22 pm . The first portion of the Punyakala is allocated for religious ceremonies and the second part is for traditions like preparing Meals. Starting work, transactions ect. This period is called “nona gathe” (neutral period).
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