Legal Decisions and Astrology

Legal decisions often involve questions about whether or not to bring lawsuit or the outcome of a case already filed. In addition one is faced with questions like the best time for a deposition or for the best time to bring a lawsuit. Timing for almost any event, e.g., mailing a demand letter, filing the initial complaint, scheduling meetings, hearings or even trial, if possible, also need to be determined. Principles of Vedic astrology combined with legal sources like trial transcripts, depositions, casebooks, law reviews, law reports and other documents, can guide us to better decision making in both civil and criminal cases. Unique timing methods of Vedic astrology can direct us in electing the most auspicious time and date for desired results.

We at DecisionCare aim to guide legal decision making at an affordable cost. Our approach is to combine Vedic astrological principles with legal sources and deliver the decision making guidance via individuals well-trained in both law and astrology.

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