Experience the benefits of astrological decisions

Some feel a hesitation to turn to astrology for decision making. Some haven’t seen their parents, family members or friends using indian astrology in decision making and are unaware of its impact. Some had bad experience with fake astrologers who probably did a disservice. Some have found indian astrological services expensive (though no longer true with modern technology) in the past. Some just feel an inner fear to try it out; it may be better not to know what is in store. For some, many questions arise.

  • How can indian astrology be true?
  • How can there be a connection between planets and future?
  • They don’t teach it in school. Can’t be true.
  • How can those daily horoscope predictions (12 types) hold true for all humanity? (By the way you are right, they don’t indeed; fail to account for individual uniqueness).

These and many similar ill-posed questions, lack of experience or negative tone have deprived these members of our society form enjoying the fruits of astrological decision making. The only way to derive benefits from the astrological science is to come out and test its result in our own lives in an unprejudiced manner and see if it works or not. Carefully analyze your life events and check against the predictions. see how it has worked in the lives of many of us and how we have benefited immensely from it.

There are many for whom astrology is part and parcel of their daily living around the globe. A Myanmar astrologer even feels guilty for not having predicted the recent cyclone. Many of us here have experienced the truth of predictions of Vedic astrology in our own lives and are glad to share with you its benefits and discuss with you in a dialog all the questions that arise.

Don’t hesitate to check it for yourself. As we mentioned in one of our recent blogs, ” It is essential for all to develop a meaningful worldview with a scientific, unbiased and open mind. That is perhaps the best way to live a stress free life. We believe all should test the truth of Vedic astrology in their own lives and experience its impact as others have done successfully.

If there are doubts, we would certainly like to hear from you and respond not by arguments but by results.”

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